Dates: 08- 11 December 2025| Venue: Mövenpick Jumeirah Beach, Dubai, UAE



The body of your abstract should describe the background, methods, results, and conclusions
of your research or subject.

You may type your abstract directly into the text box, cut and paste it from an existing document, or upload a text file with your abstract.

Do not exceed 1500 characters (approximately 230 to 245 words) for the total of your abstract
title and body, including section titles and tables.

The character count excludes institutions, author names, and spaces. One data table per
abstract is permitted. Figures and illustrations are not allowed.

Submission of an abstract implies the author(s)’ agreement to publish the abstract in the
conference program and on the Energia Middle East Website.

If you are submitting more than one abstract, a separate submission must be made for each one.

The Program Committee will be responsible for evaluating abstracts.

Every effort will be made to accommodate the author(s) presentation preference. However, the
Program Committee reserves the right to rearrange the presentation to best suit the program length.
Presenters must register and pay for travel and accommodation expenses.

Email your paper/abstract to:


Deadline for abstract Submission:
1st October 2024

Deadline for Presentation Submission:
1st November 2024